Agenția de Rating Politic


Agency selected by PNL and USL (2011)

Our agency was certified by PNL and USL for the candidates’ selection surveys in 2011-2012.

We are managing our own call-centre

For surveys and telemarketing projects. On national databases, accuracy and certified results.

10+ years of experience

In local, parliamentary and presidential elections, with mayors, MPs, ministers and parties’ leaders.

30000+ interviews

For face to face or phone surveys in the 2011-2012 electoral projects.

Political consulting services

Surveys, strategy, communication and promotion, graphic design / Consulting for MPs and ministers / Political management

Our services

  • Market research

    Surveys, focus-groups, research strategy and consultancy, fundamental electoral analysis.
  • Communication services

    Communication strategy and message building, public profile and public identity development, early tactical response.
  • Voter contact

    Voter identification, targeting, voter contact management.
  • Political management

    Pre-elections management, political and candidate staff design, political audit and diagnosis, grassroots team management, electoral campaign management.
  • Full-service electoral campaigns

    Integrated and complete political marketing solutions.
  • Parliamentary and ministerial advising

    Permanent political advising and communication strategy


  • The Political Rating Agency offered a clear vision of how the elections can be won in Botosani in 2012 against one incumbent mayor that seemed to be unbeatable. The campaign model comprising many times of a nonconventional communication was successfully adjusted to a low level of financial resources. The Agency strategy was focused on a positive profile and positive messages which enabled me to gain the trust of Botosani citizens.
    Ovidiu Portariuc, mayor of Botosani
  • The Political Rating Agency designed and implemented a long-term research strategy for a successful strategy in Ramnicu Valcea city in 2012. The research model and the data have been precise. The campaign strategy and the crafted messages have been the wining ones. I can underline the level of experience and clear thinking in the key moments of the campaign.
    Emilian Francu, (ex) mayor of Ramnicu Valcea
  • It’s my second campaign I won next to The Political Rating Agency. Each time they adapted in different geographical areas, even if 2008 was about a rural electoral district in Teleorman County, and in 2012 was the case of an electoral district in Bucharest, a totally urban area. Their strategy was each time grounded in understanding voters’ problems and issues and allowed me an excellent and convincing communication with people. In 2012 they involved modern targeting solutions in a very competitive and difficult electoral battlefield.
    Romeo Nicoara, Deputy, Bucharest
  • Este a doua campanie pe care o castig alaturi de Agentia de Rating Politic. De fiecare data s-au adaptat la conditiile locale, chiar daca in 2008 a fost vorba de un colegiu predominant rural in Teleorman, iar in 2012 de un colegiu din Bucuresti, profund urban. Strategia lor s-a bazat de fiecare data pe intelegerea exacta a problemelor alegatorilor si mi-a permis o comunicare excelenta si convigatoare cu oamenii. In 2012 au folosit instrumente moderne, de tintire a alegatorilor, intr-un colegiu electoral foarte dificil.
    Romeo Nicoara, deputat Bucuresti
  • Agentia de Rating Politic a construit si implementat o strategie de cercetare pe termen lung pentru o campanie de succes in Ramnicu Valcea in 2012. Modelul de cercetare si datele au fost precise. Strategia de campanie si mesajele propuse au fost castigatoare. Am remarcat nivelul de experienta si gandirea precisa in momentele cheie ale campaniei.
    Emilian Francu, primar Ramnicu Valcea
  • Agentia de Rating Politic a oferit o viziune clara despre cum pot fi castigate alegerile din Botosani in 2012 in fata unui primar care parea de neinvins. Modelul de campanie, cu o comunicare de multe ori neconventionala, a fost ajustat cu succes la un nivel redus de resurse. Strategia Agentiei bazata tot timpul pe un profil si pe mesaje pozitive mi-a permis sa castig increderea botosanenilor.
    Ovidiu Portariuc, primar Botosani