Agenția de Rating Politic
Client:Ovidiu Portariuc, The Social Democratic Party (PSD), Mayor of Botosani city
Date:September 19, 2013

Ovidiu Portariuc “The German” – the new mayor of Botosani (2012)

The campaign strategy was created for a candidate completely unknown 3 months before the elections, based on his personal character traits and using the highly popular USL brand. We aimed to create a credible alternative relied on “seriousness”, against a very popular PDL mayor Catalin Flutur, which was considered invincible. Botosani city has about 100.000 voters.

What we did:

– Market research and positioning the candidate: “Ovidiu Portariuc – The German!” and his “Plan for Botosani”.

– Building his public profile and identity.

– Advising the campaign staff design and management.

– Message development.

– Public agenda monitoring.

– Advertising products design (print, audio, video).

– Advising for the campaign strategy.

Agentia de Rating Politic a oferit o viziune clara despre cum pot fi castigate alegerile din Botosani in 2012 in fata unui primar care parea de neinvins. Modelul de campanie, cu o comunicare de multe ori neconventionala, a fost ajustat cu succes la un nivel redus de resurse. Strategia Agentiei bazata tot timpul pe un profil si pe mesaje pozitive mi-a permis sa castig increderea botosanenilor.
Ovidiu Portariuc, primar Botosani